Mogno j017
Release date : 15/02/2005
Price : 12€

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"Ménage Artois : Paul Flush, Charles Loos, Luc Vandenbosch" is :

Paul Flush : organ
Charles Loos : piano
Luc Vanden Bosch : drums

Recorded at Studio Paradis – Rebecq (Belgium) by Maxime Blésin in january 2004 except 1, 2 & 3 recorded by Bernard Focquet at Studio Wazif – Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium) summer 2003 / Edited, mixed and mastered by Maxime Blésin & Paul Flush except 1, 2 & 3 edited by Bernard Focquet / Artwork by Signé Lazer / produced by Charles Loos

Ménage Artois : Paul Flush, Charles Loos, Luc Vandenbosch : "Ménage Artois"

The combination of piano and Hammond is rarely heard yet the two instruments go together supremely well. There is greath warmth but also an amazing dynamic range. The addition of percussion takes the idea into new territory and creates a new freedom for the group’s improvisations.
Ce trio propose l’association rarissime de deux instruments, à savoir l’orgue Hammond et le piano. L’idée est de Paul Flush, brillant organiste anglais. Charles Loos est au piano et Luc Vanden Bosch aux percussions. Le répertoire est constitué principalement de compositions originales. A découvrir absolument !
